Email Marketing Tips No Email Marketer Should Miss

Digital Digital Marketing

You’ve got mail!

Most often, when we talk or debate about email marketing, we come across very mundane and repetitive information that describes email marketing as one of the underutilized or left out tools that have the potential to add value to the bottom line of the business. We also have heard numerous times that emails are an inexpensive form of communication, so on and so forth. Therefore, now is the time to break the stereotype and get some real information.

We agree that social media, SEO practices, and great content are incredibly effective in driving traffic that offers a business various benefits.

But when you look at companies like Overstock, Marriott, OYO, and several others, these are businesses that are doing email marketing right to gain maximum sales out of this powerful digital marketing tool.

Here are 3 brands that are crushing it with email marketing

(Let’sfind out what it is that these businesses are doing differently.)


Based out of Silicon Valley, ZURB is a product design company that offers services to a number of ambitious and accomplished designers as well as CEOs. However, on its journey of creating unique user experiences, ZURB utilizes emails to educate its subscribers as they further focus on delivering valuable content.

As per Daniel Codella, Marketer: ZURB has a range of newsletters curated for different products and business groups. However, in the beginning, he was not too sure about email automation. But eventually, when the company started to use this automation, they found it extremely easy to use.

The strategy

ZURB adopted automated emails to share across a tailor-made reply to fans who sign up for the newsletter. The company repeatedly used these emails to achieve unbelievable results.

If we let the numbers speak, ZURB, post its email automation attempt, experienced an upward trend of 70–75% open rates and 40–45% click-through rates.


The journey of “Uber” began with two friends, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, who spent USD 800 hiring a private driver (and that is a lot of money). Post this incident, Camp was keen on introducing a service that could share the cost with people and be affordable at the same time. This was how Uber came into existence. An absolute example of making most of the crisis or, in this case, surge (wink).

How does Uber bank on emails?

Uber chooses to be simple yet tasteful. They absolutely love to get straight to the point and send across emails with newsletters that are punchy, clutter-free, and to the point.

Content like, “Don’t forget to lock in 28 days of low fares with a ride pass” accompanied with the exact price mentioned, adds value, and is perfect for subscribers who often run short of time and just skim messages. For others interested to know more can always follow the link mentioned in the email.


Based out of London, Mumsnet is a platform created for better parenting. I am sure most of us agree that parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Therefore, Mumsnet offers niche information to would-be or already parents to play their part well.

Here is an inspiring way of how Mumsnet made the most of emails to add value to the subscribers’ journey.

Mumsnet understands that parenthood is full of mixed experiences, and the journey begins the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant. Therefore, to share the most relevant information, subscribers need to share the due date, and Mumsnet will email newsletters throughout the pregnancy and help the lady learn about different stages.

The strategy

The newsletters shared are fully automatic. Mumsnet uses due dates of expecting mothers to trigger well-suited content with to be moms.

“Shamim Mirzai, CTO at Mumsnet, says, “We record the due date through a custom email signup form and use that custom field to schedule emails that the expectant subscriber will receive. This approach is a really effective use of automation, and it’s creative too.”

Marketers of the 21st century are going beyond sending just one-off emails. Instead, they are extensively involved in leaving an impact by deploying email marketing and automation to support marketing strategies and achieve results.

This was how some well-known brands went out of the box to crush it with email marketing.

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